Annual walk for eric james

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the antico home

saturday, APRIL17.2021

(Rain Date:  Sunday, April 18, 2021)

The Eric James Antico Jr Foundation was created in memory of Eric. Every year, nearest to his birthday, we will hold a memorial and walk in honor of him. Once again, we will walk on the Henry Hudson Trail. Once registered, we will email you details. Please join us to honor Eric and keep him in our hearts. He will be smiling as we raise funds to help worthy causes. 

Note that this year, masks and social distancing are mandatory in order to participate. No exceptions. Refreshments will be available before the walk but there are no activities once the walk concludes. 

Check-in for the event is at 10:30 a.m. Saturday, April 17th at The Antico Home.  

Memorial will take place promptly at  11:00 a.m.  and the walk begins at 11:15 a.m.

Note:  Only REGISTERED participants will be admitted to the event. It's free to sign up, so join today! Prizes will be awarded to the top fundraising team and the top fund raising individual participant.  

For 2020/2021, foundation proceeds will benefit
Make-A-Wish® New Jersey
Make-A-Wish® New Jersey serves a unique, and vital, role in helping strengthen and empower children battling critical illnesses. For more information on this deserving organization, please visit

And a new deserving organization... Common Ground Grief Center in Manasquan, NJ.  The mission of Common Ground is to provide support in a safe place where children, teens, young adults and their families grieving a death can come together and share their experiences as they begin the journey through the grief process.

Visit their site here:

Join a Team

Team you are joining:    Cindy’s team

Team Member:

You will be able to log in to personalize your own web page and view donations.