Support Edward Kirschenbaum in the 2025 19th Annual Valentine Plunge

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A message from Edward Kirschenbaum

On Saturday, February 8, 2025, hundreds of us from Monmouth County and beyond will choose to jump in icy ocean water as an act of solidarity with our local pALS (people with ALS) because they are conquering immensely greater fears every minute of every day. 

The "plunge" we're asking you to make doesn't involve freezing cold water -- but it will make a big splash in the lives of our PALS. Simply click the "Donate" button above to make a secure online donation today.  

Thanks for joining the family!

- Clancy's Crew


Carmine Iannacone

Zach Steinfeld


For ALL who suffer from this insidious disease.


Brian Barrow


Gregory Glezman

Fron Greg and Linda

Danielle LoRusso

William 'Wikoff

Stephen Albanese

Good luck to all the plungers!!!

Jody GrandPre

John Mioduszewski

Andrew Katz

Kevin Sicola

Paul Nolan

Jennifer Hranicka


Christopher Dukes


Leon S. Avakian

Best Wishes to the man - Ed Kirschenbaum

Michael McNally

Day.Dennis DeStefano JCPD

Jim Miller

Monmouth County Police Chiefs

Kevin White

Great thing you all are doing. Good Luck Ed!

Ryan Jackson

Mitch Ansell

Frankie Sangi

Fred Deickmann

Steve & Lisa Govel


PBA #25

PA Police

Charles McBride

Jodi Kinney

Frank Sementa

Shannon Torres

Marc Evangelista

John Powers

John Storrow

John Todd

Patrick Buddle

Ed, glad to support you, in this great cause! Thanks for being our friend, we love you buddy, Patrick and Nancy

Stephen Mcgrath

Steven Henry

Kerry Higgins

Ted Wittke

Joseph Aretino

Leo Ayala

Kevin Callaghan

Michele McGuigan

Andrew Huisman




Sharon Coleman

Great cause !!!!

Susan De Simone

Anne Samuels

Nick Martin

Manasquan Bank is proud to support

Dominick Mazza

Robert Honecker

Danny Mellaci

John McCabe

Retired MCPO Det/LT. Mike Clancy and in memory of (Ret) NJSP Kevin Vieldhouse, and (Ret) UCPO Det. Marty Lynch.

Owen McCarthy

Adam Hubeny

Cookie & Lou Healey

Joseph Pangaro

Karen Odom


Tom Rogers


Thomas Flarity

Brian Veprek Jr

Mike Clancy and Clancy’s Crew.

John Musiello

Patrick varga

Andrew Fromkin


Thomas Volante

Steven ONeill

Robert Swannack

Lynn Buannic

In memory of Ellie Buannic

Drew Greeley

Dennis Lavender

Bill Youbg

Anthony Petrosini

Thomas Jannarone



Robert Harris


Noreen Dean

Richard Bott

Mary Condon

Chefs International

Eileen Allen

Darren McConnell

Robert DiGenova

(Ret) NJSP Kevin Vieldhouse (Ret) JCPD Dennis DeStefano

Charles Smentkowski

Tom Wenzel

Lauren Sandy

Harry Harsin

Loretta Hill

John Kaye

Dominick Cinelli

Bob Czech

Ross Licitra

Kevin Licknack

Lisa Emmons

Jerry Dasti

Great job Eddie!! But I want pictures!!!!!!!

Kevin Clark

Good luck!

Donald Pignataro

PBA 305 Civic Association

Mark Walsifer

Spencer Heulitt

Christine Carducci

Donovan's Reef

Thomas Pellegrino

Edmond Zakerowski

scott cholewa

Katrina and Eugene Clapsis

Dan Napoliton

Dan Scimeca

Christian Stark

Edward Niesz

Cynthia Oconnell

Vic Bene

Andrew DeMuth


Kathleen Burr

Eileen VanPelt “Van”

robert allison

Brian Thompson

Lesley Flaim

Raymond White

Best of Luck, Ed

Alec Taylor

Jack Cartoll

Thomas Brennan

Jose Goncalves

Brendan Dunleavy

Tom & Erin Carvelli

John Bonevich

Kevin Orender

Caitlin Donovan

Edward Brock jr

Barry Jost

Good Luck to all!!!!

Lorraine Carafa

Tucker Brendle

In Memory of Danny Melacci .. Rest Easy

Victor Iannelli

Michael DONOVAN Jr.

Ernest Schriefer

Dan Scimeca

Robert Hostrup

Dan Mellaci

Mike Kyle

Michael Bascom

Anthony Petrosini

Carrie Kotch

David Roden

Susan Cousins

Jacob Elkes

Shannon Torres

Kaitlin Sriwardena

Frank Cinelli

Jim & Ginny Griffin

In honor of James J. Griffin.

Andy Griffin

Ed thanks for including my Dad … he would have admired that

Robert Osterhoudt

DJ Burzon


Thank you Ed for what you are you doing. You’re a good man. We honor and memorialize my dad, James J. Griffin. He is alive in all of our hearts.


Benjamin Lucarelli

Stephen Reese

Mary Pat Angelini

Vin Gopal Civic Association