Support Sean Magovern in the 2025 19th Annual Valentine Plunge

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A message from Sean Magovern

On February 1, 2020 the 14th Annual Valentine Plunge brings together a brotherhood of family, friends, community and heart!  Each one of you is needed to make that day a "fun-draising" success.

This year is special as the Magovern, Damato and Dancy Foundation families join together to honor Kathleen "Mike" Damato (aka: DiDi) for 15+ years of tireless work on behalf of our PALS.  Mike started as part of the team of caretakers helping Joan Dancy during her ALS journey and was quick to join the Foundation team from day #1.  She has been the hub of every effort since that day and can only be described as the soul of Joan Dancy and PALS Foundation.  We love you DiDi and marvel at your dedication, empathy and energy that you put into everyday.   

Jumping in 32 degree water in the middle of the winter has to be the stupidest idea ever. The icy annual plunge goes against all of your natural instincts but most of us are going out for the 14th year in a row as an act of solidarity with our local PALS (People with ALS) because they are conquering immensely greater fears every minute of every day. The spirit of the day is incredibly uplifting. To see hundreds of people come together to help their neighbors in need is just beautiful.

The "plunge" we're asking you to make doesn't involve freezing cold water -- but it will make a big splash in the lives of our PALS. Simply click the "Donate" button above to make a secure online donation today.  

Thanks for joining the family!

- Dunkin' for DiDi


Sean Magovern

We love you T!