Lace up for Lourdes Walk-a-Thon 

April 25, 2024

Support 3rd Grade in the Walk-a-Thon 2024



Sherry Huang



Go Lucy!!


Thanh Truong


Karolain Granda



Cailin Groff


Blandina Aldana

Go Lorenzo!!!!


Richard Duesterhaus


Terry Clemmer


Allison Hagen


Anton Gorder

Go Third Graders! You can do this!! You are in our prayers. Mr.and Mrs. Anton Gorder


Eleanor and Ahsoka Gorder

You got this, Honey! Habah!


Teresa Nelson


Blanca Aldana


Carly Foley


Maria Aguayo-Lopez


Uncle Davy

Walk like the wind, Lucy! ☺️


Anton Gorder

Best of luck and Gods blessings to you and your team Lucy! Love, Grandpa and Grandma


Terry Clemmer



Maile Kali


Ariel Gorder

Yay BFF cousin! <3





Patricia Hoffman

Good Luck, Lucy🥰


Barb & David Shwalb

Go Lucy!!!


Elisabeth Bennett


On Thursday, April 25th all Lourdes students, like me, will be participating in our annual walk-a-thon. Our goal is to raise $15,000 to purchase new indoor & outdoor recess and physical education equipment and games, plus storage for the equipment/games. Our sponsors are covering all of the online transaction fees so 100% goes to OLOL!

P. S. If we hit our school goal of  $15,000, we'll get to enjoy an inflatable bounce house, slide and obstacle course at our field day!

- 3rd Grade

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