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Miami Valley Peace Heroes Trail 

Lifting up peace heroes - for the next generation to learn how everyday people can succeed in making the world less violent and more just. Supporting peacebuilding through  Miami Valley Unitarian Universalist Fellowship and our peacebuilding partners.

Support Greta Thunberg in the Peace Heroes Trail 2023





Lynn Buffington

Thanks for amplifying Greta's messages!


William Ross


Sue Van Housen

She gives me hope for our future


Jennifer Linck


Lynn Buffington


Catherine Queener

Greta Thunberg is a fantastic peace hero and role model!


Greta Thunberg 

Climate change activist

Greta Thunberg is a Swedish environmental activist known for challenging world leaders to take immediate action for climate change mitigation, and also credited with raising awareness about Asperger and inspiring those who had the disorder.

Prior to a Swedish election, Thunberg sat outside parliament with a School Strike for Climate sign. Alone the first day, the 15-year-old was joined each subsequent day by more people, and her story garnered international attention.

"You must unite behind the science. You must take action. You must do the impossible. Because giving up can never ever be an option.”

Thank you for supporting peacebuilding and the Miami Valley Peace Heroes Trail!

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