This campaign is now closed. Thank you for your interest in promoting peace!
If you wish to support our work, please consider making a general donation:
Help us promote Pope Francis's teaching on issues of peace, justice, and care for creation! Our ad to be published in the National Catholic Reporter in September calls on our bishops and priests to amplify the Pope's prophetic messages, so that the faithful hear them loud and clear.
Please complete the form below to sign on to our ad and make a donation to help us cover the publication cost. We are requesting $25 for each individual signature and $50 for each organization. If you can add a little extra, that will help us cover our costs that much sooner. Thank you!
An anonymous donor will cover all the online transaction fees, so 100% of your donation goes to our ad campaign!
(Mailing address is PCMDCB, c/o Kurt Hansen, 6621 Struttmann Ln, Rockville, MD 20852)
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