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Registration Is Open
For The 2024 20TH ANNUAL

Support Natty Bumpercar in the 2024 20th Annual Great Newburgh to Beacon Hudson River Swim



Jason Bube


Cindy Hamilton

Fintastic! We’ll be fans out to watch your fins power you across the mighty Hudson!


Howdy lovers of adventurous daredevils! Our erstwhile hero, Natty Bumpercar, is attempting to conquer all of the nature and also the fate by participating in the 2024 20th Annual Newburgh to Beacon Hudson River Swim! Picture it: the sun rising over the water, the fresh scent of river adventure in the air, and Natty, clad in his most fantastically tight swimwear, determined to tackle this epic feat.

So, why should you care about a man braving the Hudson's depths? Because this isn't just about crossing a river; it's about crossing the threshold of possibility, one stroke at a time. Every dollar you donate is used to maintain and operate the River Pool and further the mission of River Pool at Beacon

Plus, you get to be part of a rip-roaring adventure, cheering him on as Natty makes waves with every splash -- not just in the Hudson, but in the hearts of everyone rooting for a dreamer daring to do the extraordinary.

Donate now, while you still can, and let’s see if Natty can stay afloat—and if we can ride the tide of generosity all the way to his fundraising finish line!

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