The peace ribbon
August 1st to August 9th
Commemoration of bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
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Frequenty Asked Questions
How do I add pictures?
There are 3 ways to do this
Click the "Join" link above, sign up to get an account, and you will receive instructions on how to upload.
If you have an Instagram account, add pictures to Instagram with the hashtag "#ribbon2020" or "#peaceribbonpanel" and they will appear
If you have a Facebook account, post a picture to "The Peace Ribbon" page, and we will add it to the page.
How do I upload an image to my Peace Ribbon Panels page?
Login to your account
using the e-mail you signed up with. The login link is above.
Click on "My Event" and then "Modify Page". This will take you to your page.
Click on the "Edit Slideshow or Video" button above the images.
Follow the instructions there for adding or replacing an image. Be sure to click on one of the thumbnail images to activate the editor.
Once uploaded, your image will appear on the
page. The images uploaded directly to the Panels website appear in the top section.
How do I add an image to Instagram?
Login to your Instagram account.
Add an image and tag it with "#ribbon2020" or "#thepeaceribbonpanel"
Within a minute or so, you should see your panel on the "Panels" page. Instragram images show at the bottom. You may have click on "Load More" to see your image.
How do I add an image to "The Peace Ribbon" Facebook page?
(Details on Facebook group to follow.)
Within a minute or so, you should see your panel on the "Panels" page. Facebook images show up below the images loaded directly to the Panels website.